2011年7月21日 星期四

MP3 ID3 Tag iconv

MP3 ID3 Tag iconv 專案在這裡

這個專案是用Perl寫的 ~~ XD

A command-line tool that lets you convert the character encoding of ID3 tags in MP3 files. It also lets you do conversions between Traditional Chinese (big5 or unicode) and Simplified Chinese (gb or unicode).
You'll need the following perl packages:
  • Encode::HanExtra
  • MP3::Tag
  • Encode::CNMap
mp3_tag_iconv [-f <from encoding>] [-t <to encoding>] [-n] [-d] [-v] <file> ...
  Options: f - original encoding (default: Guess)
           t - target encoding (default: utf-8, specify utf-8-zhcn or utf-8-zhtw for conversion to Simplified or Traditional Chinese)
           n - dry run
           d - specified files are treated as directories (convert *.mp3 in directory)
           v - verbose

